I had always had a theory that Mr Butterscotch had selective hearing. He proved my theory 100% with one phone call yesterday. We have a few guy friends of his that will be helping out during the day. I asked most of them to wear something in our color pallete of Lavender and sapphire or french blue. I sent them all emails and even spoke personally to many of them. Please keep in mind Mr Butterscotch picked our spefic blues back in December.
Miss B-Hey babe
Mr B-Hey, so what color blue should the guys wear?
Miss B- Saphire or french blue
Mr B- So like what,? A navy blue?
Miss B-No, not navy. A blue, Like that blue shirt that most men have, a french blue. Or a darker blue but lighter than navy.
Mr. B- ANd they can wear purple too?
Miss B-Yep, like a lavender, not purple like a grape, much lighter than that.
Mr B- So no purple?
Miss B-UGH!!! Are you kidding me?
Mr B-What? I love you...(he knew I was getting annoyed)
Miss B-Just have them wear any blue or a light purple. And I love you too. Do you remember us talking about this months ago?
Mr B- I love you.
Miss B-I love you too.
What has your groom had to ask you about, even after you have talked about it many times before?