Ok I will admit it I really like reality tv. I don't know why. It all started with the real world back on season 1 in NY. And then road rules, amazing race, top model, project runway and in my lowest of low moments flava flav. Now E has Katie and Peter. Well at first I was a little apprehensive and just thought they were a fake Posh and Beckham but now after watching a few episodes I really like them. This last weekend it showed them on a cruise with their families to celebrate their engagement. I knew they were already married (saw an interview a few weeks ago with them) and so I wondered what they did to tie the knot. Did I mention they also met on another of my favorite one hit wonder reality shoes "I'm a celebrity get me out of here". Anyways, check out Katie dress. Whoa! I would have loved this dress when I was like 8 and I was really into the wizard of Oz (can you say glenda the good witch). But she looks good in it. And I think she had their first child like a few months before.

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