Mens Wearhouse-Tukwila
C- I know mistakes can occur but rudeness just isn't what I wanted to deal with. I worked in costumer service for years so bad customer service will totally kill an experience for me. At the wedding show in January I paid $10 to get $25 off all our tux rental at a free grooms tux with 5 rentals. We placed our tux orders a few months prior to our wedding date. All the men came in and were measured. The people at the store were totally nice and helpful during that visit. Then it came time for the tux pick up.
Mr Butterscotch and one of the groomsmen went in two days prior to get their suits just as requested. Well the groomsmen jacket was the wrong size. It was too small. So they asked that he come back in the store tomorrow at 5. Uh problem our rehearsal starting at 6 on the dot. But as long as it was for sure ready at 5 he would be able to get to the church in time. I called the store later that night to confirm the order would be ready at 5 that day or hopefully I could get it when I went in to get the ring bearer tux in the morning. I was totally nice. Here is how the conversation went:
Mrs Butterscotch-Hi, I am calling about a tux rental
Store-Oh, hold on I need to get someone that can help you
MB-Ok...On hold for 10 minutes
MB-Hi I have a question about a tux
S-oh sorry hold on...a few more minutes pass
S-Hi how can I help you
MB-I have a question about a tux
S-What is your question (hooray finally, some help)
MB- I have a groomsmen who had a jacket in the wrong size yesterday and he was told to come in tomorrow and pick it up at 5. I wanted to confirm it would be ready at 5 or maybe a little sooner.
S-Our truck comes in normally around 5 so we will have to unload the truck and sort through it so it maybe a little after 5.
MB-Ok. Here is the situation, we are having our rehearsal tonight at 6 so is there a way you can have the tux jacket at the top of you "sorting list"
S-No. The jacket will be here when the truck gets in and we will get it for him as soon as we can. It is coming from another location
MB-Alright, can I go to that location and pick up the jacket? he will be in at 5 like he was told to be and hopefully it will be ready to go.
MB-Uh...(waiting for an elaboration of why I cannot go to the other store)...
MB- Ok then, he will be in at 5 like he was told to be and hopefully it will be ready to go.
At this point I am a tad bit annoyed, mostly because the long hold and the semi tone from the sales lady. I still needed to go pick up the ring bearer tux so I figured I would double check on the 5pm arrival time.
I arrive at the store the next morning and no other customers were there.
MB-Hi I am here to pick up a tux and check the status of another one.
S-Ok go to our tux desk.
I go back to the tux desk two girls are sitting there chatting neither looks up to acknowledge I am there at first, and they do I got the look as if I was interrupting them.
MB-Hi I need to pick up the tux for my ring bearer.
She get his name and goes get the tux
MB-Ok great thanks, Now I have another tux for this groomsmen the jacket was the wrong size, I guess a truck comes in today with the new size. What time will it be here?
S-after 5
MB-(dratz!) Great thanks. Now if the ring bearer jacket doesn't fit what time do you open so we can get a replacement.
S-(totally rude)Uh well... he really needs to be here now, and if it doesn't fit then we need to know by 3.
MB-(uh ok I was just asking)The thing is he is in summer camp so he wasn't able to come with me to run around the day before the wedding. And I won't actually see him until tonight at the rehearsal.
S-Well then there is nothing we can do if the tux doesn't fit.
MB-Nothing, you don't have any extra sizes kept in case this happens?
S-No, it is all at our warehouse.
MB-Ok, thanks.
At that point she obviously didn't want to deal with answering simple questions, so I left with the tux completely annoyed. So here is by beef with the store, they were rude. Also the lack of not having spare sizes at the store for quick fixes on there mistakes seems inefficient. I totally understand mistakes happen and in the end everyone tux fit. But I would not advise this location due to the lack of good customer service from the staff. The tuxes were in great shape and the guys looked good in them. The cost per tux was $100 (with the $25 off). It was a little steep but I got the look that I wanted.
1 comment:
Well - aside from the horrible customer service your GMs looked pretty darn handsome! Nice picks on the vest combo - they look great with the iris.
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