If someone were to ask me I can easily say celebrity weddings are one of my favorite things. Even before I got engaged I loved to just see how they decided to spend their money. I was thrilled when Eva Longoria got engaged this year! But then I hopped she got married before I did so I could look at any fun thing and maybe use (not steal) anything she did. I was so disappointed in Tom and Katie wedding last year not much that I could say I loved, not even a hairstyle to look to for inspiration. Then I saw Elizabeth Hurley wedding spectacular! Whoo a week of wedding fun sounds good to me! But what I like most of all is how I think she really pulled off both styles of ceremonies. I was reading and I guess she got some critisism because her sari was reported to have cost $4000. But I don't know what people expected she is getting married! I know many American brides if given the chance would be temped to spend that amount a a dress. I know I could have easily!

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