Like every other bride I am on the bridal boot camp diet. Well sorta. I try to eat right and I work out regularly. If anything I am all about maintaining. This weekend it was actually sunny for a few hours so I was able to get motivated enough to go work out. That got me thinking what type of things motivates me to workout. One thing is “red shorts” Sarah and I once saw this rather large lady with very unflattering red shorts on. I made Sarah promise to me right there and then that she would never allow my ass to grow to the size of the lady that was wearing those red shorts. Then there is the weather. Sunny weather I am 90% more likely to go workout. Last but not least is TV. It can be a number of TV shows that will motivate me to get my Nikes on and go. And guess what?!?! One of my shows is starting tonight! That is right dancing with the stars! Oh my gosh I love this show! It really all started by accident. But when I realized what had happened I was hooked. The celebrities and the professional dancers have these amazing bodies! I mean just look at this pictures (Ok I think it might be a tad airbrushed). But I am serious they inspire me not only to work out but half the time I am trying to figure out if that is a move that I could somehow contort my body into doing. Anyways if you are by a TV tonight you should watch it!
I vote for "A deal is a deal"
Ah, Red Shorts, burned into my memory forever!!!
The PussyCat Dolls are my current motivation, haha. Why didn't Trisha try out for their show??
I love the PCD show. Its the best! Trisha could do the dancing but I think she would turn bright red when it came time to sing!
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