I am pretty lucky and I have really good skin, but like any well planning bride I am thinking ahead to the big day. I rarely breakout (knock on wood). But I do get tiny bumps on my forehead if I don’t wash my face after I work out or if I am really stressed. That was until I found my miracle cream about two years ago. I love this stuff! I went in and got a facial and my tech recommended I try this. Ahhhhh it feels like a breath of air on your face! So I used it for a year with true dedication. But then I got cocky and decided I didn’t need it and would switch to a different and less expensive brand. Well I used the lesser brand for like 3 months and in that time my skin was not as semi-flawless as it was on the daily moisturizer from skinceuticals. So back on the skinceuitcals for about a month now and my skin is glowing! No really it is so wonderful! I have recommended it to all of my girlfriends and now I just wanted to share it with you. For this jar it is about $40-$50 it last a long time because you don’t need to use gobs and gobs of it. I think it last on average 4 months. Sorry I don’t have a before and after photo for you but if you ever see this out you should ask the counter for a sample and see what I am talking about.
P.S. I took this to Sydney with me and I got a little over baked from the sun and my skin felt like heaven when I put in on and I didn’t peel at all either.
I think I have similar skin as you. I get those bumps on my forehead too! It's odd...I'll definitely check it out!
I'd like to try it too--who carries it? Sephora? Department stores?
You can actually go to skinceuitcals web site and find the place closest to where you live that carries it. Trust me it is well worth trying to find it. They also have this green serum that I love to but its like $100 for a few ounces so that is way too much but if you lucky they will give you a sample of it and the combo of that with the cream is double amazing!
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