“When are you going to start having kids?” Ever since we got engaged this has been the question. I feel like I should have a little note taped on my head that says "we are not having kids right away". Family and good friends I don’t mind so much when they ask. But casual acquaintances that see I am engaged and start in with that it does hit a small nerve. Normally I will politely smile and “answer no time soon” or “in a few years”. But in my head I am thinking “Can we just make it through the wedding before you ask me that!” What questions have you been asked while planning your wedding that drives you up the wall?
P.S. Prior to being engaged the question I constantly got was “so when are you getting married” which is just as bad ad the kid question.
The question we get is "When are you going to have ANOTHER kid. Trust me, it's just as annoying!
You better stop poppin' those babies out soon. I want some lil' homies to play with.
They haven't quite started up for us yet...but that's probably because everyone knows we will prob have a kid within the first year. We can't wait!
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