Friday, July 27, 2007

I love my job!

Yep that is right I love my job. Why? Because we get to leave early today! ha ha ha! Next Wednesday is the start of August, WHOA! That means I will be in my wedding month in a few short days!
Last Friday I knew I had a busy weekend ahead. But this Friday I am pretty sure I will collapse in exhaustion on Sunday. Well here is my Friday manifesto...
1. Pack and move more stuff
2. Call the baker and get the cake finally square away
3. Buy paint
4. Paint the room at the new house :)
5. Buy wig for Barbie bachelorette party
6. Get a final wedding hair cut on Saturday
7. Buy ribbon to finish programs
8. RSVP's due Saturday- Go over guest list Sunday
9. Barbie Bachelorette party Saturday
10. Clean kitchen of the new house :)
11. Curl up in a ball and pass out from exhaustion
12. Start teeth whitening
13. Work out!!!
I am sure I have more to do...But this list is making me want to start my mental breakdown right now (why wait?!?:))
As some of you noticed and may have a new opinion of me, yes that is right a Barbie bachelorette party. No, it's not what you think...OK maybe it is. All of my guests are going to be dressed up like a Barbie! So far I have heard that we will have a 70's Foxy Brown type barbie, 40th anniversary barbie, tennis Barbie, bollywood Barbie and that is just a few! And of course I am bride Barbie!
How are your weekends jammed packed as you get closer to your wedding?


bride of rochester said...

tag, you’re it!

Players list 8 facts/habits about themselves. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed. At the end of the post, players then tags 8 people by posting their names and makes sure they know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment at the tagee’s blog.

Linda said...

Congrats on finally moving stuff! We just finished getting into ours and it's amazing! Last night I looked at my FI and realized (for like the umpteenth time) that this house is now our home and this is where we'll start a family... Very excited for you! :)